Q: Why do I need to open an account ?

A: Opening an account is the only way to obtain the download links from Tigertrains.com products in your MY Account area.


Q: Do you discount items ?

A: At Tigertrains.com we are always having sales. To apply a coupon code to your order, on the Checkout page, click the yellow box that reads "Enter your coupon here:", type in the coupon name, then click the white button below that line that reads "Use Coupon Code", once this is pressed the shopping cart totals will change to reflect the amount of discount.  You can enter different coupon codes if applicable with in the same order.

Q: What is MSTS Bin & WHY Do I need it ?

A:  MSTS Bin was a wonderful little gift to all the Train Sim Community, created originally by Kujo but someone figured out the coding, to create some wonderful additions to the models.

Why do I need it? Well,  Bin allows the user of the game to actually open car doors, move mirrors, have engine cabs that turn lights on inside in tunnels automatically, and reversible cabs for bi-directional engines. These options, of course, are only available if the modeler has incorporated them into the model, which at Tigertrains.com we do, unless specified in the description of the product. ie: Bin Features: NONE

To obtain your new MSTS Bin goto: http://mstsbin.uktrainsim.com/index.htm


Q: Why do I have Solid White wheels ?

Okay, that happens to a rare few of you.....

A) That happens sometimes if your using an older version of shapeviewer. But in the game the wheels are fine.    Fixed Yes - Great     No - Goto B
B) In game if this is occuring update the app.fbk file contact us for a new one. Place file into the main MSTS folder to replace the original.   Fixed Yes - Great     No - Goto C
C) If the updated app file doe's not fix the issue then, you have not done the original updates for MSTS. This entails removal of the Bin, install the MSTS patches, from http://msts.steam4me.net/MSTS_Updates/  and after installing these patches then reinstall the Bin for doors etc. The wheels dont need Bin, as that code was written prior to the Bin development.  Fixed Yes - Great     No - I honestly don't know!!!

Q: How are your emails sent?

A: Promotional & New Product Emails are created via Sendblaster and are now delivered via an email server system ( smtp.com ).  This allows bulk emails to be sent out without any issues of ISP or  Domain server cutoffs.  Newsletters are created via Opencart and are sent out via smtp.com server. Please note AOL customers will not recieve emails via SMTP.com system, please make sure your email account is none AOL for receiving product information, promotions and product updates.


Q: Are these products compatible with Open Rails?

A: The Open Rails program is still a work in progress.  Some features of Tigertrains.com models are Alphanorm- textures, these do not show correctly with OR currently, the models will of course run, but look odd in a few places.  Animations such as the mirror fuction used on the P42DC / P32AC-DM blower vents will not currently work in OR.  What is OR visit..  http://www.openrails.org/ for more information.


Q: What are Premium products?

A: Premium products are items that take time to create and are not subject to any rewards points program system (if in place), and/or some sales events.